If you are planning on buying a used car, there are lots of great deals on the market. There are also many ways to purchase a vehicle. Some people buy from private sellers online, while most get their cars from dealerships who specialise in used models. To avoid getting ripped off when buying a used car, it is important to do a number of checks before you part with your money.


As mentioned, there are several ways to purchase a used car. One of the most popular being from a used car dealer. The main reason why most people choose this option is because they offer a warranty. If something goes wrong, you have some security. Used cars for sale in Canberra which are available to buy from a dealership are generally legitimate products with no issues. The cars have been properly vetted before they put them on sale. This usually means 3 things:

  1. They haven’t been stolen
  2. They aren’t repaired write-offs
  • They aren’t encumbered vehicles


You can also purchase a used car online, as there are many sites which specialise in second-hand vehicles. Although most of these sites are legitimate, there can be quite a few dodgy dealers online. The sites aren’t paid to check the authenticity of the car, they are only there to sell them. Buying online has risks as you don’t have any guarantees when dealing with private sellers.

Buyers Needs

Before you buy a used car, decide on the best model for you. Think about what you’ll be using it for and try to find a vehicle that suits your lifestyle.


When looking for a used car, keep your options open. Look in the local papers, search online and visit various used car dealerships. Once you find the car you’re looking for, you should try and find the best price through a reputable dealership. You know where the shop is if you have any problems and you’ll be presented with a warranty. If this isn’t possible, you can buy from a private online seller.

There are many things to consider when purchasing a used car. It is important to find the right seller, as there can be undesirable individuals who are only trying to rip you off. The best way to avoid being ripped off is to buy a used car from a reputable local dealership, one with a solid reputation within the community.

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